
The Spirit of Exploration

Life is about exploration.

It is human's natural instinct to explore, to discover, and to question. Through these actions we find ourselves. Yes, to find ourselves, we often have to get lost. Nurture that spirit of exploration by being a member of OASA.

The spirit of exploration is ingrained in us at OASA. Through nature and nurture, we seek; and by seeking, we shall find. Along the way we will stumble, make mistakes; but we will get back up each time. As long as we see our North Star, we will never be truly lost.

The seasons of space exploration are calling louder now. Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Blockchain, Cloud, and other advanced technologies are being brought together with a higher level of awareness, consciousness, and understanding.

Are you ready? Let's learn and build a useful platform together.

  • 100 Chartered Membership
    Package price
    HKD 15,000

    The first 100 members who have signed up to the Lifetime Membership will be known as Chartered Members. Collectively, these founding members, and regardless of the year they have joined, have helped to establish the OASA headquarters in Hong Kong. They believe the future belongs genuinely to the courageous, adventurous, and entrepreneurial…to the young men and women, starting from Hong Kong, who are pioneers in the NewSpace Economy. Each chartered goes to support five student membership, allowing them to join for free.  

    Chartered members are unique because these are the individuals who had seeded and invested in OASA when the Academy was just a concept. These founding members hold a special place in the history and heart of OASA, and perhaps for Hong Kong and the rest of the world.  They have energized the founding team, and collectively, they turned their ethos into reality.  These founding members and their unyielding exploratory spirit fueled the true nature of entrepreneurism; they will be inducted into OASA's Founding Committee of 100, our Hall of Fame.

    Special Rights and Privileges

    As a token of our appreciation, OASA Exco shall honour these individuals by recognising their generosity and support. OASA shall be proud to have these 100 names posted on our homepage and emblazoned onto a metal plate that will be forever displayed at the headquarters. In addition to the rights and privileges provided to all our members as outlined in our Articles of Association, chartered members shall be provided with the following seven unique benefits (updated 4 July 2023):

    1. OASA official digital business card, with "Chartered Member" as the official title, plus the member's preferred details. 
    2. Invitation and complimentary participation in OASA's paid SpaceBiz breakfast or SpaceBiz Luncheon or access to mentees and giving back to the community. 
    3. A certified "Chartered Member" Certificate for display. 
    4. At least 15,000 OASA or equivalent OASA coin credits. 
    5. A one-time special surprise welcome gift (lapel pin, scarf, or an OASA logo).
    6. Priority or exclusive access and invitation with international VIPs and visits. 
    7. First opportunity to explore and test new OASA products, services and use cases, which may include,
    • Free virtual coaching and mentoring by other chartered members,
    • Seeding of university interns into your entrepreneurial initiatives.
    • Free or subsided summer internship for your children / company.
  • Individual Member
    12 months
    Package price
    HKD 780

    You are investing in a wonderful world of entrepreneurship, mentorship, and community building; and for many, discovery into the meaning of starting a new company that can solve new challenges in the Space economy. Since the Space economy is already everywhere and increasingly relevant, by being a member of a select group of individuals sets you apart from those who are only land-bound. 

    Door to Opportunities As a member of OASA, you will be entitled to access, often at a discount, to the following ways that should expand your opportunities for self-discovery:

    • Connect: connect with bright students, experienced engineers, leading academics, fellow entrepreneurs, business angels, venture capitalists, and stakeholders worldwide who have a particular interest in the Space economy and the environment. Connect with visionaries and practitioners. 
    • Contribute: work with others to give back and expand opportunities in the Space economy for others, by participating and working with young scientific minds and businesses looking for transformation and additional markets narrow political boundaries.
    • Command: access opportunities to fine-tune and hone your leadership and project management skills by participating as project leaders or mentors, by learning new tools, by acquiring the basic language of digitalisation and the new Space economy; and at the end of the day, by demonstrating your abilities to deliver on your promise with others. 
    • Create: join forces with others to create and connect concepts and ideas, people and the application of technologies, with new and evolving markets. Build it, break it apart, and learn from mistakes. Learn to solve wicked problems that are complex and fluffy.  
    • Credit: earn entrepreneurial and project credits that can be acceptable by future employers, university admission offices, and potentially other professional organisations. Look forward to reverse mentorship.

    The membership team will continue to find ways to enhance the value proposition of membership. Please stay tuned. Reach out to our membership engagement team with your comments please,

    Membership Benefits and Activities

    Individual members can look forward to gaining special and discounted access and news to these activities and supports :

    1. Invitation to meetings with government and foreign officials on space matters (zoom or face to face)
    2. Invitation to meetings with academics, astronauts, and industry gurus
    3. Access to online/offline space economy related events
    4. Right to vote in AGM and participate in governance
    5. Access to Special Interest Group (SIG) and becoming a Project Lead for that SIG
    6. Participation in an expedition to Space camps at a discount
    7. Priority to Internship or mentorship (subject to availability)
    8. Participation as global mentors and coaches (for those qualified) into university project teams
    9. Access to programs such as Mission Moonshot MasterClass and Young Marco Polo Program
    10. Certification of project participation and leadership competencies in space-related projects endorsed by OASA 

    Membership Qualifications

    Individual members are open to all eligible individuals who are at least 18 years old. To qualify for membership, all individuals must agree and abide by our Code of Conduct. Individuals with special interests in science, art, technology, engineering, and mathematics are encouraged to apply. Two members in good standing must endorse all applications. Next, the application is first vetted by our membership team and is recommended for membership to the Membership Committee before the next quarter. The individual does need to provide some proof of identity. Upon approval and receipt of payment, the member is inducted into the Academy on one-year probation. If the individual does not participate in any activity, the annual fee shall be refunded and requested to vacate the space for others. Individuals can also be removed, subject to the Membership Committee's recommendations and be given a fair process of repeal. We have an independent Chief Compliance Officer who stands ready to address all grievances.

  • Student Membership
    12 months
    Package price

    Who would qualify as a Student?

    Student members, or those over 18 years of age1 who are pursuing a full-time college or university educational program of continual exploration, learning, and enquiries, represent the core constituency of OASA. Students are the recipients and the reasons why OASA exists. Many programs and activities at OASA are designed primarily for an audience of novice explorers in mind.2 . Anyone wanting to understand the broader interconnected world that we all live in, to learn to treasure our planet Earth which is our best Spaceship, and willing to work together in building and living with nature harmoniously through a sound understanding of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) should likely qualify. We do not discriminate entry based on race, nationality, creed, politics, sex, religion, beliefs or colour. Conversely, we ask that all discussions be collegiate, apolitical, nonreligious, and without hostility directed towards any one person or group. If expressing differences in opinion, do so professionally and respectfully. (Anyone not observing our Code of Conduct will have their membership status revoked.) 

    Special and Additional Benefits of Student Membership

    OASA Student members are provided with these specially curated opportunities and challenges for the upcoming months:

    • Connect: Connect into this growing space ecosystem by actively attending webinars and chatrooms, joining expeditions, participating in experiments, and visiting launch sites.
    • Command: Establish, reinforce, and support an OASA university chapter at your university by being a cabinet member of the chapter.
    • Contribute: Join a UX exploration team to understand and define hidden preferences for goods and services for some small and medium enterprises. Provide user feedback on new services that can benefit humanity.
    • Create: Co-create with students from other universities and build use cases that can be shared and help spark new businesses.
    • Credit: Earn OASA Space Pioneer credits. For a select few, about 1% of the general student population, you may want to apply for an internship or apprenticeship with scientists, astronauts, professors, business persons in spacerelated industries, or companies who could potentially write recommendations for further studies.

    Being Selected

    Student membership is open to all students attending a school of higher education. Please refer to the entry requirements for Individual Membership. Student members with a strong and long track record of support to OASA may apply for an apprenticeship, a particular type of student membership. These slots are few and will require a separate selection process. Opportunities for more complex and challenging assignments and adventures would naturally fall to those who have the experience, the knowledge, the attitude, and the skills (also collectively known as competencies).

    Expected Contribution in Return

    The Orion Astropreneur Space Academy or OASA creates problem-based action-learning games, exercises, role-plays, and experiments, as these methods are highly effective in stimulating learning and retention. But these instruments require that the participants engage themselves in the exercises and be mindful of the learning activities. We seek explorers and players, not bystanders and those who just wanted to watch the world go by. Thus, we seek entrepreneurial students, drivers and not riders. We want young leaders and those who believe they have the "right stuff." Honest feedback and constructive comments are important and valuable for the designers, and we expect the students to contribute actively and help improve each of the learning activities. Conversely, we also expect the students to be able to ask for and take feedback. Feedback is the breakfast of champions. 

  • Free Student Membership
    12 months
    Package price
  • Trial Individual Membership
    6 months
    Package price
    HKD 780

    Door to Opportunities As a member of OASA, you will be entitled to access, often at a discount, to the following ways that should expand your opportunities for self-discovery:

    1. Connect: connect with bright students, experienced engineers, leading academics, fellow entrepreneurs, business angels, venture capitalists, and stakeholders worldwide who have a particular interest in the Space economy and the environment. Connect with visionaries and practitioners.

    2. Contribute: work with others to give back and expand opportunities in the Space economy for others, by participating and working with young scientific minds and businesses looking for transformation and additional markets narrow political boundaries.

    3. Command: access opportunities to fine-tune and hone your leadership and project management skills by participating as project leaders or mentors, by learning new tools, by acquiring the basic language of digitalisation and the new Space economy; and at the end of the day, by demonstrating your abilities to deliver on your promise with others.

    4. Create: join forces with others to create and connect concepts and ideas, people and the application of technologies, with new and evolving markets. Build it, break it apart, and learn from mistakes. Learn to solve wicked problems that are complex and fluffy.

    5. Credit: earn entrepreneurial and project credits that can be acceptable by future employers, university admission offices, and potentially other professional organisations. Look forward to reverse mentorship.