
The Spirit of Exploration

Life is about exploration.

It is human's natural instinct to explore, to discover, and to question. Through these actions we find ourselves. Yes, to find ourselves, we often have to get lost. Nurture that spirit of exploration by being a member of OASA.

The spirit of exploration is ingrained in us at OASA. Through nature and nurture, we seek; and by seeking, we shall find. Along the way we will stumble, make mistakes; but we will get back up each time. As long as we see our North Star, we will never be truly lost.

The seasons of space exploration are calling louder now. Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Blockchain, Cloud, and other advanced technologies are being brought together with a higher level of awareness, consciousness, and understanding.

Are you ready? Let's learn and build a useful platform together.

  • 100 Chartered Membership
    Package price
    HKD 15,000

    The first 100 members who have signed up to the Lifetime Membership will be known as Chartered Members. Collectively, these founding members, and regardless of the year they have joined, have helped to establish the OASA headquarters in Hong Kong. They believe the future belongs genuinely to the courageous, adventurous, and entrepreneurial…to the young men and women, starting from Hong Kong, who are pioneers in the NewSpace Economy. Each chartered goes to support five student membership, allowing them to join for free.  

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  • Individual Member
    12 months
    Package price
    HKD 780

    You are investing in a wonderful world of entrepreneurship, mentorship, and community building; and for many, discovery into the meaning of starting a new company that can solve new challenges in the Space economy. Since the Space economy is already everywhere and increasingly relevant, by being a member of a select group of individuals sets you apart from those who are only land-bound. 

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  • Student Membership
    12 months
    Package price

    Who would qualify as a Student?

    Student members, or those over 18 years of age1 who are pursuing a full-time college or university educational program of continual exploration, learning, and enquiries, represent the core constituency of OASA. Students are the recipients and the reasons why OASA exists. Many programs and activities at OASA are designed primarily for an audience of novice explorers in mind.2 . Anyone wanting to understand the broader inter...

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  • Free Student Membership
    12 months
    Package price
  • Trial Individual Membership
    6 months
    Package price
    HKD 780

    Door to Opportunities As a member of OASA, you will be entitled to access, often at a discount, to the following ways that should expand your opportunities for self-discovery:

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