Perry Lam
Chairman at Orion Astropreneur Space Academy
Perry Lam is an Executive Coach, Business Storyteller, Astropreneur and Founder of the LAM (Leadership & Advanced Management) Institute based in Hong Kong. Perry regularly works with CEO's, Board of Directors and Business Leaders of Fortune 500 Corporations, Government Organizations, NGOs and start-ups specializing in working with the C-Suite.
He regularly travels and delivers virtually throughout Asia, Europe and North America to support the business requirements and talent development of his clients to maximize their ongoing success in the global marketplace. His clients represent the Financial services, Technology, Health care as well as Family businesses.
Perry’s passion is heightening the leaders as well as the Organization’s ability to realize their full potential in both in their Professional and Personal life as well as their Career Aspiration. His Coaching approach is to equip the Leader with enhanced “Executive Presence” through greater confidence, gravitas and communications. He regularly works with “Top Talents” to realize their next level in their career. Perry provides a practical and enthusiastic approach, customizing solutions to achieve the goals and objectives of business leaders and their team. He was one of the first accredited Executive Coaches in Asia in 2003 with the Corporate Coaching University International and is currently PCC working on his MCC Level with the International Coaching Federation.