Orion Astropreneur Space Academy (Hong Kong) Ltd

Orion Astropreneur Space Academy (Hong Kong), OASA, has been established to accelerate talents and start-ups to enrich opportunities throughout the world, starting from the international city of Hong Kong. We work closely with all universities, mindful employers, and help them establish STEAM programs where youths can learn how to build their own careers in the NewSpace era.


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Event Details

Space is all around us. This universe is attainable for everyone with the right technology and the right mindset. Data downlinks from space will be powering our Smart City to come, and only those who can understand and sense these exponential changes in our Smart City can be the entrepreneurs of tomorrow.

Young people are a powerful new force for innovation and entrepreneurship. But only a few truly understand data across boundaries and fewer still, are ready for the NewSpace Economy. How can we help them become more connected and enlightened?


Aim of the 30-minute Sharing

Rosana is a serial entrepreneur, an Executive Director at Yau Lee Holdings Limited, a Founder and CEO of Ophylla Ventures, a Director of OASA, and more importantly, one of the best talent developers on this side of the planet.

In this talk, she will share her unique perspectives on how best to groom our next generation as the NewSpace economy creates massive opportunities in innovation and entrepreneurship. 


Rosana Wong (Executive Director of Yau Lee Holdings Limited)

Rosana Wong

Executive Director of Yau Lee Holdings Limited

Who is Rosana Wong?

Rosana โ€“ HK's Own Wonder Woman


Like Wonder Woman who has remained in the background for some time, Rosana has finally stepped forward now that Invotech has found her. She is eloquent and subtle, never boastful since we've known her. Since stepping out in the limelight, we have found that she's led these difficult initiatives and nearly all are contributing to building our very own Smart City. Here are some highlights:


Construction-wise, Rosana created the world's greenest hotel and pioneered 5D Building Information Modelling in 2009, here in Hong Kong, as certified through HK's BEAM Plus, US' LEED, Singapore's Green Mark and China's Green Building Design Label and further developed OpenBIM Full Lifecycle Management Approach for an own development under Urban Renewal Authority's Demand-Led Redevelopment Project to transform old neighbourhoods into smarter communities. 


On the other hand, she created Ophylla Ventures to seed 12 startups for Smart City development along four pillars (infrastructure, environment, care, transformation) for HK, the Greater Bay Area, and Belt and Road Countries. One of them is even providing autonomous vehicles at the HK Science Park today. She also funded two labs in HK and the UK, HKU's Joint Lab on Future Cities and Royal College of Art's Future Cities Lab, to bring disparate parties together, through a Private, Public, Global Academic Partnership (PPGAPยฎ ) model, to study and explore the impact of new technologies on building resilient environment, IoT structures, harmonious living, clean energy, smart transportation, deep learning, knowledge and innovation, towards an innovative and new Future City.

She's doing all these during her spare time because she's also the Executive Director of Yau Lee Holdings Limited. And a member of a dozen boards, playing director and advisory roles.


More importantly, she has rarely claimed credit for anything she has done. But we can't lose that Wonder Woman. You need to stand up and become a leader for others to emulate. Our youth needs a hero.
